Although The Open Room seems to have materialized overnight through just a few conversations between friends, in reality, God has been preparing the way “for such a time as this.” In fact, The Open Room now seems to be the collision of two dreams that I have long held. One of those, is a specific dream given to me several years ago. We were driving somewhere (my aging mind can’t remember where), and I was reading a book on worship for one of our seminary classes. All at once I envisioned a space downtown Mahomet that would be a center of worship and growth - open to all. The second dream has been a quieter, more general dream of a discipleship ministry in our community that would foster discipleship relationships between individuals. For years, I have been content to leave these both as dreams - never acting on either - which I’m sure surprises those of you who know me. I have a hard time being content, and with letting God lead through His time and His way. How wonderful of God to show me that dreams left in His hands can easily become realities. Man, things happen much easier when He does the work!
So, I believe that The Open Room is the materialization of these dreams. It is space that we hope will draw people to the Lord. It is a space that we want to be open to all and where all can be open to God. Our lives are so full and busy that often times we don’t allow the space for God to speak. We pray that The Open Room will allow you the time and space to hear from Him. We pray that The Open Room will allow you time to connect with yourself, with others, and ultimately to God. Come in and sit, grab a mug of coffee and enjoy the openness of space and time.
I was recently studying the passage where Jesus visits Mary and Martha. We all remember the story - Martha is busy doing the preparations. In fact it says in Luke that she is “distracted with all her preparations” and “worried and bothered by so many things.” While Mary is instead, “seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word.” Jesus’ response to Martha is interesting. He doesn’t say that what Martha is doing is wrong. He instead says, that “only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part.” Or the original language says that Mary has chosen the good “portion.” How often are we distracted by good things that take us away from the Lord? How often are we worried and bothered and can’t be still? Do we believe what Jesus says, that only one thing is necessary - that He is NECESSARY? How often do we sit at His feet and listen to His word? I love what it says in Lamentations 3 where we see the same word, portion. “‘The Lord is my portion’ says my soul, ‘Therefore I hope in Him.’The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of the Lord.”
Welcome to The Open Room - may here you wait for the Lord and find Him as your portion.